Thursday, March 3, 2011

Conquer Plant Intimidation

I began gardening as a stress-reliever when I was in high school.  A friend of mine would laugh at me as I saved my lunch money to buy plants on the way home from school.  Since that time, I have gradually added a new plant here or there.  At this point in my gardening “career” I have a good handle on the summer basics: tomatoes, beans, peas, squashes, cucumbers and berries. 

Recently a friend mentioned she planted broccoli, brussel sprouts, swiss chard and beets.  I was amazed at how intimidating those four plants sounded to me.  Those “cool weather” plants are strangers to my world of gardening.  The thought crossed my mind that I could plant them too.  At first I dismissed the thought but then, after more consideration, I decided to not let a plant intimidate me.  What’s the worst that could happen?  The plants die and I wasted $4.  So…today I bought four broccoli and four brussel sprout plants.  (Lowe's is selling a nice, healthy four-pack for about $1.69.)  This is my first year to grow these.  Time will tell if we will be friends or foes.  Perhaps next year: swiss chard and beets? 

All that to say, we are never too old to try something new!  If you have only grown tomatoes, this year plant a few bush beans.  If you only grow yellow crook-neck squash, branch out this year with some carrots.  You will not know unless you try!  Walk on the wild side and plant something new!  I did!

Happy Gardening!

1 comment:

  1. John is the gardener in our family - tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash, melons. Last year he tried corn with great success.

    My problem is a bad back so it is hard to do things floor level. A few years ago, John made me a waist high "raised" bed and I grew carrots, broccoli and lettuce. It was fun!
